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Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Krinkleting - April 29th

  • the French assistant at uni said she would be my best friend, which was pretty amazing, although she says she needs to get used to my humor first. She said we could drink at 9am for our last lesson, but I had a sandwich before hand and was almost sick so could not. It was still a fun lesson anyway as she learnt me some really French swear words.

  • My lecturer likes me and liz best, we may be going to France next year and he said how he wished the others could go to france and us stay, as we are the best and the only ones that turned up all week.

  • My blogspot is as amazing as ever.

  • I became an embryo for a couple of days.

  • Tarren and I became the best friends ever:
    Corinne says:
    i need milk
    Corinne says:
    and my window open
    Corinne says:
    i think you should go and get my milk
    Corinne says:
    and then bring it too me and open my window
    Tarren says:
    ha ha im working hun
    Corinne says:
    Corinne says:
    Tarren says:
    and you have legs
    Tarren says:
    Corinne says:
    no i dont
    Corinne says:
    i cut them off with self harm
    Tarren says:
    dont be silly

    breakfast! says:
    im gonna miss you when i go home
    Corinne says:
    dont go then
    Corinne says:
    simple solution
    Tarren says:
    ha ha

  • I remembered some amazing things that happened to me while drunk -
    -I always end up covered in sauce when i go out, last week i had it all down my legs and on my feet, but I didn't last night.

    -I went out in Doncaster in the summer, and i woke up the next morning to mum asking me what the hell i had been doing because there were chips all in the garden, in next doors garden, in the hall and there were little red hand prints on the door in sauce. i just remembered that and laughed a lot.

  • I also remembered pushing janine in the trolley in October, she fell out and banged her head and just laid there for a while to assess the situation.

  • I had my last lecture of my second year of university. I really need to do something about this growing up thing. I cannot be one of those people that have a full time job. That is not who I am.

  • Many fun MSN conversations, I also figured out how to get loads of hits and become a photoblog guru:

    Corinne says:
    i want to suicide
    Corinne says:
    do ypu think it will be a good photo blog opportunity
    miss jennifer says:
    i bet it'll be viewed a lot
    miss jennifer says:
    and emo kids will turn it into avatars
    Corinne says:
    cool i love attention

  • I decided that if I don't get into France, I'm going to sponsor a child at If I do go to France, I shall sponsor one when I get back.

  • I kind of had cyber sex for the first time ever -
    miss jennifer says:
    i am
    miss jennifer says:
    so fdurnk
    miss jennifer says:
    do you want to make out with me
    Corinne says:
    Corinne says:
    do you want to make out with me
    miss jennifer says:
    of course
    Corinne says:
    ok cool
    Corinne says:
    this is like cyber sex
    miss jennifer says:
    miss jennifer says:
    now itake my tongue and put it in your mouth
    miss jennifer says:
    what do you do
    Corinne says:
    i nipple your bottom lip slightly
    Corinne says:
    no nibble
    Corinne says:
    the nipple part comes later

  • I got my French presentation finished, now is just a matter for learning it for Wednesday.

  • My team leader called me one of her fav girls at tesco because I'm so amazing and I do my jobs right. I'm sure she probably just said that because so I keep getting right under the checkouts to get coat-hangers/till rolls/safers but whatever.

  • Jenny at work is really funny, at 7am she was doing the jaws 'dun nuh dun nuh' thing to me and I was laughing my socks off. She also always tells me when something is going cheap, and then goes and tells everyone else so they don't miss out. It is funny, she is very kind hearted.

  • I found out that some people talk to people I know to try and get to be my friend because I'm so cool. They should talk to me though because I'm not really scary or anything.

  • I spoke to Hannah on the phone for two hours and it was pretty much amazing. We are fun and talky and laughy.

  • Janine and I have had some, what I feel are, talks and stuffs which has made me feel like 1) I am a good friend and 2) I have a good friend.



Cayden said...

Hi Corinne~

Amanda and Kathyrn~from the US~ introduced me to your photoblog. I have been laughing out loud at your hilarious comments, and the pictures are great. I'll be back for more humor and pics of your world.


Amanda said...

cayden is another yummy friend.
love her too.

About Me

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27 year old girl from Yorkshire. I'm interested in girly things such as fashion and beauty, but I am also a massive gamer, I love my xbox, I love call of duty and I also am a bit of an apple fan girl too! Feel free to e-mail me on if you have any questions!
